The Kettlebell Guide:
Part 6

Challenge yourself with
The Kettlebell Guide 6

kettlebell guide 2, more warm ups, suitcase lift, triceps raise, figure 8 around legs, squat press, stiff leg deadlift, swing snatch, around body

Indian Club swinging – Discover more about another ancient strength building tool. Work with them on their own, or combine them with Kettlebells for a more all round exercise program.

DIET– Meghan Lamont dispels many industry fed food myths

Keep the motivation fresh with Dave Bellomo’s varied training ideas

Interview with award-winning drug-free weight lifter Steve Angell

REVIEWS – Intu-Flow (a fluid way of improving joint mobility), plus the funkiest workout shoes we’ve seen in a long time: they have toes!

7 tough pages with more extreme KB exercises

PLUS the benefits of alkalising your body through food and nutrients.


Jumping Lunges / Jump Squats / 1-leg Swing / Towel Swing / Crucifix / The Pistol / Tree Press


kettlebell exercises


Welcome to the sixth and final edition of The Kettlebell Guide. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading the fabulous articles from some great kettlebell instructors. Whether you’re a novice lifter or regularly press two 30kg ‘bells we’re sure that you’ve found something in the pages of these six issues useful to you.
To round off the series, we’ve got some more great reads for you. Dave Bellomo introduces kettlebell poker and some other interesting games designed to keep your workouts fresh and stave off boredom. Jamie Lloyd and Meghan Lamont both discuss diet – what’s the point of working your body hard if you’re not going to fuel those muscles the correct nutrients? Jamie discusses how to get your ph levels back in balance, while Meghan focuses on the myths of the diet world. Butter is good, low fat margarine is bad! Turn to page 8 to discover why.
And finally read more about Indian Clubs and how using them will enhance your KB work outs. Thank you and stay strong!

ISSUE 1  •  ISSUE 2  •  ISSUE 3  •  ISSUE 4  •  ISSUE 5  •  ISSUE 6

kettlebells v indian clubs, kettlebell games, tough execises, pistol 1 leg squat


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jamie Lloyd Kettlebell instructor10 tips to Help Reclaim your Health

Kettlebell instructor Jamie Lloyd, discusses the benefits of alkalising your body through food and nutrients.


Video demos

Each kettlebell exercise includes a video demo too.

indian clubs compare with kettlebellsIndian clubs v kettlebells

Complement your kettlebell training with Indian clubs. Use them for pre-kettlebell warm-ups or as a great workout on their own. Also great for shoulder injury rehab.

the dark Side of NutritionThe darker side of nutrition!

What the food industry doesn’t want you to know…

kettlebell targeted muscle groups Why train with kettlebells?

Know the muscles you’re working. Full body charts show targeted muscle groups for each kettlebell exercise.


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