It has been a wait, but finally we have a batch of long awaited 5kg Persian meels, oiled up and ready to go. The wood we use is FSC compliant and our turner has done a fabulous job. We will also have some 3kg meels for those starting out within a week or so. Timber is also being prepared for the 7.5kg and 10kg meels. The wood for these has been outside for some time so need to acclimatise over the next 4 weeks before they will be ready to dispatch. These heavier meels are being made from super dense hardwood. Don’t train near a riverbank. If they fall in they will not float! Get in touch if you want a pair reserving.
Hola, me gustaría saber si tienes listos los melés de 7,5 gracias.
Hola Gerardo, deben estar listos en 2 semanas. Les haré saber tan pronto como estén listos.
Hola, me pongo en contacto con ustedes por que me interesaría comprar lo persian melés de 7,5 y me gustaría saber como puedo hacerlo,gracias.
Hola Gerardo. Deben estar listos en unas 4 semanas. Feliz de mantenerte en una lista de contactos.