UK Persian mils/meels
To all who have waited for our larger Persian meel sets from 10kg, 15kg and 18kg pairs. Thank you for your patience. We have taken a while, but these monsters aren’t made overnight! Finally, we now have stock available of the heavier Persian mils/clubs.

First pair of meels, made from green oak by John Taylor, amazing musical instrument maker and recycler.

John Taylor, deceased. Maker of our first Indian clubs and Persian meels. Made his clothes, shoes and glasses frames too as well as the odd harpsichord!
BMF have been making Indian clubs and Persian mils for over 12 years and we have enjoyed the learning process from the very first pair of oak meels (inc. wonkey handle) to today’s made from various hardwoods. Timber is chosen from dense hardwoods that are sustainably sourced and suited for turning. Some wood can be super dense and a nightmare for our turner as the high mineral content can mean constant sharpening of his chisels! Last years pairs of 10kg ekki meels are very rare!
Our meels evolved, with handle girths to suit each weight… too wide a grip is not right for the lighter clubs… too thin will be painful to the hands for the heavier clubs over a long session! We also taper the handle neck to create a stronger bridge between body and handle. This refinement came from a broken handle last year. The guy did drop it on a hard surface though, so beyond expected resiliance!
The batch we have currently made are from Indian walnut, offering beautiful dramatic grain. Individual clubs weigh from 4.5kg to 13kg and all are paired according to the closest gram weight. Matching aesthetics comes second though they are all made from a single piece of the same wood. Each piece is unique. Some may have wavey grain, some more linear. See your clubs as yin/yang partners.
We hope to complete the range with some lighter mahogany Persian meels from 2kg to 4kg (4kg to 8kg mil sets). They are currently being worked on an will be available very soon. Exact date unknown. Making them is an art!
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