Introducing two-handled club, the Iratai…
While the Iratai club is known to have originated within the ancient practice of Karlakattai, there is minimal information out there about this fascinating club.
With a handle positioned at each end, this is a very unique club shape, quite different from any other. This unusual shape allows for the flexibility of using one hand, both hands at either end, as well as being able to transition from one hand to the other at opposite ends of the club (see videoes below).
Due to the rarity of this club shape, it is quite hard to find many practitioners sharing information on how it can be used, however I have managed to find a few sources which are included below.
The Yoga Karlakattai gurukulam, founded by Dr Jothi Senthil Kannan, is the epicentre of karlakattai training in Pondicherry, India. Dr Jothi has shared a range of methods for using this club, and some of which can be seen here on his Instagram page:
• Static holds while seating Instagram link
• Five karlakattai moves Instagram link
Another great person to check out is Rocannon MacGregor (aka Zen Kahuna), who has been teaching circular training in the US for decades, and has demonstrated some fascinating movements using this two-handled club. Rocannon brings together his knowledge of gigong, tai chi and Indian clubs and this creative fusion is evident in the videos shown below…
Shop the Iratai club here.
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