Join Tom Crudgington (owner of Body Development Gym) and Peter Hodkinson (founder of BodyMindFit) for a deeper dive into different structures using BD-X Indian clubs, Persian meels, gada, Multi-staff flowmace and push-up board skills. You will leave with a better understanding of a planned workout structure that can be used to build skills and strength over the following months. There are a maximum of 8 places so we can give more individual attention throughout the day.
• Single BD-X Indian club sequences 1-9
• Double BD-X Indian club sequences 1-6
• Persian meel intermediate techniques and drills
• Shena push-up techniques
• High volume, karlakattai-style workout
• Heavy gada strength techniques
• Multi-Staff light flowmace & resistance band applications
• Q&A
CLICK HERE to see a selection from our June 2023 workshop.
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